New Construction Inspections
New Construction Inspections
Because of the rapid rate at which new homes are being built in the greater Charlotte NC area, it is really critical to have an experienced inspector keeping an eye on your build during the process.
Unfortunately, the oversight by both builder representatives and county code officials is stretched so thin during a building boom, that issues are often not caught and the one that ends up losing is the buyer.
We have saved our new construction inspection clients thousands to tens of thousands of dollars by having repairs made that would not have been caught otherwise -- or found years later, maybe when these homeowners went to sell the home.
Just a few of the items that we have noted on our New Construction Inspections:
- Hole in the roof where ridge vent was missing and rain was pouring in an inaccessible area of the attic.
- Hot and cold water reversed at sinks
- Insulation missing from all or parts of the attic
- Foundation improperly installed resulting in an unlevel home. This was found on two homes in the same subdivision, both of which resulted in the slab being torn out (with framing already built on it), jacked up and foundation repoured under the home.
- Incorrect size wires run to outlets in rooms, which would have resulted in the breaker popping off and requiring frequent reset.
- Windows that do not properly open/close
- Unlevel floors, twisted/warped framework and bowed walls
- Broken or improperly supported roof trusses
- Damaged and improperly installed roof covering and flashing
- And the list goes on.
We offer a variety of inspections, from a Pre-Drywall and a Final Inspection to Full Phase Inspections from the digging of the footers to the final inspection. We find that in addition to the inspection reports provided to builders with Repair/Replace items -- builders seems to be a little more diligent in checking on homes that they know will be inspected. Hire your own inspector to keep the builder on their toes. Give us a call -- we're happy to answer any questions about new construction inspections.
11 Month Warranty Inspections -- Most builders offer a 1 year warranty on the build (in addition to longer mechanical / structural warranties). Use this opportunity to have a Warranty Inspection -- and a Repair/Replace report that you can provide to the builder with items youi'd like corrected. Best to call in your 10th month so we can get you scheduled with plenty of time before you 1 year walk through with builder.